
Sown in Weakness, Raised in Power

Merlin Miller shares an Easter message in a scenario unlike any other Easter we’ve experienced.  This message is the culmination of the previous 3 devotional messages looking not only back at the reality of the resurrection, but looking forward to the ultimate resurrection we are waiting on.

Watch the Video Version HERE on our YouTube Channel

Andrew Peterson - Is He Worthy?

Glad For Weaknesses

Merlin Miller shares another devotional message from our time of separation due to Covid-19, this time from 2 Corinthians 12:9 titled Glad for weaknesses. Though none of us like things that reveal our weaknesses, the Bible exhorts us to take an “upside down” view of those things, realizing that God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness.

Video Version Here:

Make the Best Use of Your Time

Merlin Miller shares a devotional message directly for the time we find ourselves in.  Life has changed dramatically for us in a really short timeframe, and much of that change is seen as negative.  Is it possible to see this change as an opportunity?  And if so, what should we do with that opportunity?

Watch the video version on YouTube

Foundations: Human Sexuality

Merlin Miller continues the Foundations series with a focus on human sexuality.  As with marriage and the home, according to Scripture there is a connection between the physical and what it represents on a grander scale.  Since this is an area of great importance in God’s Word, it is, not surprisingly, an area of great struggle in our culture.

Foundations: Personal Discipleship 02

Merlin Miller continues the Foundations series with a focus on personal discipleship.  After having covered some overarching principles in part 1, this second part now focuses on more specific details of what our lives should look like.  Since there is much in the Bible that talks about this the Word is given prominence.

Foundations: Personal Discipleship

Merlin Miller continues the Foundations series with a focus on personal discipleship.  We believe that our lives should display outward evidence of the inward yielding & trusting in Jesus Christ.  This is part 1 of 2 that will lay out foundational principles of personal discipleship.

Foundations: Marriage & Home

Merlin Miller continues the Foundations series with a focus on marriage and the home. We have our stances we take on marriage, but do we have Biblical reason to take them? What do our marriages really hope to accomplish? What does this mean about our homes & how we view them?

Foundations: The Local Church

Merlin Miller returns to the Foundations series - this sermon is a transition from working through the Statement of Theology to working through our Statement of Faith & Practice.  Specifically this introduces this document as the specific beliefs and applications this local congregation has adopted.

Foundations: Last Things

Merlin Miller wraps up the first section of the Foundations study with the subject of last things.  This is a high-level study of what Scripture says will happen as this current age ends and God’s glorious kingdom begins.

Foundations: Satan

Merlin Miller returns to the Foundations series, a study of our Statement of Theology.  The focus of this message is what we believe about Satan, the ancient serpent who deceives, tempts and oppresses in his rebellion against God.

Foundations: The Church

Merlin Miller continues the Foundations study - this week the topic is the church.  All who receive the gift of salvation become part of the church - but what does Scripture have to say about the church?  What do we believe about the church? 

Foundations: Man

Merlin Miller continues the Foundations study - this week the topic is man.  One of the things God created is man - but this specific part of creation is different from all other creation in some specific ways.  What are they, and what is the outcome of those differences?