Merlin Miller shares a 4th advent message entitled “Jesus is Savior” from Luke 2:1-20
Jesus is Lord
Merlin Miller shares a 3rd advent message entitled “Jesus is Lord” from Luke 1:26-38
Jesus is Light
Merlin Miller shares a 2nd advent message entitled “Jesus is Light” from Luke 1:5-23 & 67-79
Jesus is Immanuel
Merlin Miller shares an advent message entitled “Jesus is Emmanuel” from Matthew 1:18-25
Passing the Torch
Merlin Miller shares from the book of Joshua a message entitled “Passing the Torch”
The Goal
Anthony Davis shares a message from Romans 8:29; 12:1-2 and Ephesians 4:13 focused on the goal of our christian lives.
God's Chosen Ones
Pastor Merlin Miller preaches from Colossians on what God’s chosen ones are called to do and be.
Am I Ready?
Joe Byler preaches from Matthew 25:1-13; Am I ready? Each of us has to come to an understanding of who am I going to serve and make the most important decision in my own life. Whether to surrender my will and follow the will of God, which is living for Him and desiring and allowing the Holy Spirit to be indwelling in my personal life. No one else can make that all important for me.
Learning to be Content
Kris Reckers shares from Philippians 4:13 on learning to be content.
All Things for the Good
Bryce Bontrager shares a message titled All Things for the Good from Romans 8:28.
Understanding the Three Temptations of Christ
Seth Miller shares from Matthew 4:1-11 on understanding the three temptations of Christ.
The Paradox of Blessing
Anthony Davis shares about the paradox of blessing. From the truth that we are blessed & we need to enjoy that blessing but realizing those blessings can lead us astray, they entail a stern appraisal, & to test the heart.
The Value of a Father
Nyal Beachy preach about the value of a Father taken from Proverbs 17:6b.
Living Hope
It’s Resurrection Sunday, and to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Merlin Miller preaches from 1 Peter 1:3-5. In one long sentence, Peter powerfully declares the truth of the resurrection of Jesus and what that means for us. Because of God’s power, we have a living hope!
Acts 4 Prayer
Guest preacher Todd Waugh preaches from Acts 4 on prayer and the Holy Spirit.
Destiny Rescue
For Missions Sunday morning Chris Russell from Destiny Rescue gives us an update on the ministry and also brings a message from the Word.
Merlin Miller continues the theme of discipleship with a special message on living missionary titled Sent. Along with other Scriptures used, the main basis of the message is Acts 1:8.
4) Peace
For the fourth Sunday of Advent we will focus on Peace. Merlin Miller preaches from Isaiah 11 and other related Scriptures, focusing our hearts and minds on the peace brought to us through the coming of Christ brings!
3) Joy
For the third Sunday of Advent we will focus on Joy. Merlin Miller preaches from Isaiah 35 and other related Scriptures, focusing our hearts and minds on the joy that the coming of Christ brings!
2) Faith
For the second Sunday of Advent we will focus on Faith. Merlin Miller preaches from Isaiah 40 and other related Scriptures, illustrating our faithful waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ.