Merlin Miller preaches part 1 of a special “mini-series” focused on revival taken from Matthew 14:22-33. The background story is Jesus walking on the water, but the particular focus is on Jesus’ words: “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.”
11: The Battle to Build 3
Merlin Miller returns to the study of Nehemiah with this 11th message taken from Nehemiah 4:15-23. This concludes the section focused on the battle to build the wall, again taking time to see what Nehemiah did, as well as finding application from that to our own lives.
Lessons For Living in Babylon
Guest Speaker Israel Wayne shares a message with tips of how to live in our increasingly pagan world. Main text taken from Jeremiah 29.
10: The Battle To Build 2
Merlin Miller returns to the study of Nehemiah, with the 10th message taken from Nehemiah 4:7-14. The battle to rebuild the wall and gates intensifies, and it is interesting to see the source of the opposition faced by the builders. Even more remarkable is to see how our experiences today, though different in a physical sense, are ultimately the same.
09: The Battle To Build
Merlin Miller returns to the study of Nehemiah with the 9th message, taken from Nehemiah 4:1-6. As the wall is being built, the opposition continues to try to hamper the rebuilding. As we see their battle to build unfold we can learn about the battles we face.
Humble, Contrite, Trembling
Merlin Miller shares another devotional message, continuing to dig into the theme of coming back to the basics of our faith.
Merlin Miller shares another video message with us.
Practical Tips for Rebuilding Walls
Merlin Miller touches on some practical ways to rebuild the walls that have been broken down in our churches, homes, and communities.
08: Rebuilding The Walls
Merlin Miller continues Nehemiah with the 8th sermon taken from Nehemiah 3:1-32. This chapter details those who helped rebuild the wall. Can we learn anything from a long list of names that hard to pronounce?
Redeeming Our Time
Jeff Stevens shares a message about making good use of our time on Sunday Evening.
07: Rise, Build
Merlin Miller preaches the fourth message from Nehemiah, this time covering Nehemiah 1:4-11. This text contains the immediate, and intense, response Nehemiah has when he learns of the status of Jerusalem and the remnant there.
Not Offended
Ryan Eash from Townline Mennonite Church guest preaches to fill in for Merlin Miller.
06: Nehemiah Inspects
Merlin Miller continues the study of Nehemiah looking at chapter 2 verses 9-16. Nehemiah arrives in Jerusalem, but what will he do first? We see that he is a man of careful action. We also see that immediately opposition appears to what God is doing.
05: Nehemiah's Request
Merlin Miller returns to Nehemiah with the text taken from chapter 2 verses 1-8. Nehemiah has been praying and fasting, but now he turns action and makes his request before the king.
Living in a Heavenly Presence
Glen Gingerich shares in a message.
04: Nehemiah's Prayer
Merlin Miller preaches the fourth message from Nehemiah, this time covering Nehemiah 1:4-11. This text contains the immediate, and intense, response Nehemiah has when he learns of the status of Jerusalem and the remnant there.
03: Trouble & Shame (2)
Merlin Miller continues to focus on Nehemiah 1:1-3, this time focusing on areas of trouble & shame that we have today in our personal lives, our families and our churches due to broken down walls & burned gates. Though the message is tough to hear, we can not hope to repair those breeches unless we are aware of them.
02: Trouble & Shame
Merlin Miller gives the second message from the Nehemiah series, from Nehemiah 1:1-3. Nehemiah inquires about the status of those left behind in Judah, particularly the city of Jerusalem. The answer given is that they are in great “trouble and shame”, evidenced by the broken down wall and burned gates of that great city. What can we learn in addition to these historical facts?
Introduction to Nehemiah
Merlin Miller begins a new series: a study of the book of Nehemiah. This first sermon is an introduction to this series, setting up for a subsequent exegetical teaching of this dynamic book of Old Testament Scripture.
Cost of Discipleship
On this missions Sunday morning we will hear from a few people from our church who have recently gone on a mission trip of some kind. Kris Reckers will also share from the Word.