Merlin Miller preaches a short Christmas series entitled “Christ has come!” The text for all four messages will come from Luke 1:68-79. This third part focuses on the fact that God has redeemed us.
Christ Has Come! (2)
Merlin Miller preaches a short Christmas series entitled “Christ has come!” The text for all four messages will come from Luke 1:68-79. This second part focuses on the fact that we have received mercy.
Christ Has Come!
Merlin Miller preaches a short Christmas series entitled “Christ has come!” The text for all four messages will come from Luke 1:68-79. This first part focuses on the fact that God has visited us.
10: A Dwelling Place For God
Merlin Miller continues the “Walk as Children of Light” series, a study of Ephesians. This 10th message is taken from Ephesians 2:19-22 & is entitled A Dwelling Place for God. Having established that the wall of hostility between those near (Jews) and those far (Gentiles) has been destroyed in Christ, Paul concludes this section with the truth that together we become a dwelling place for God.
09: Christ Is Our Peace
Ninth message in Ephesians series from pastor Merlin Miller.
08: Amazing Grace
Eighth message in Ephesians series from pastor Merlin Miller.
The Triple Dip Concept
Duey Matthews is our guest speaker for a special series focused on revival. This fifth/last message taken from Acts 10:34-48.
The Slippery Slope Of Satisfaction
Duey Matthews is our guest speaker for a special series focused on revival. This forth message taken from Philippians 3:1-15.
What On Earth Are You Thinking?
Duey Matthews is our guest speaker for a special series focused on revival. This third message taken from 2 Corinthians 10:1-5.
The Confident & The Unashamed
Duey Matthews is our guest speaker for a special series focused on revival. This second message taken from 1 John 2:18-29.
Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord
Duey Matthews is our guest speaker for a special series focused on revival. 1st message taken from Isaiah chapter 40.
Given To Prayer
Glen Gingerich fills in with a message speaking on prayer.
07: And you...but God
Merlin Miller continues the “Walk as Children of Light” series from Ephesians. This seventh message is taken from Ephesians 2:1-7 and titled “And you... but God”. In this text the great power of God, and His rich mercy and grace, is highlighted in describing our salvation.
World Missionary Press Update
On this special missions Sunday morning our guests are World Missionary Press. They are giving a ministry update and Joe Chadburn is also sharing from the Word.
06: Enlighten the Eyes of Your Heart
Merlin Miller continues the series “Walk as Children of Light”. This sixth message is entitled Enlighten the Eyes of Your Heart, taken from Ephesians 1:15-23. Part 2 of 2 from this text outlines the glorious things that Paul is praying that believers will know.
05: Enlighten the Eyes of Your Heart
Merlin Miller continues the series “Walk as Children of Light”. This fifth message is entitled Enlighten the Eyes of Your Heart, taken from Ephesians 1:15-23. As Paul hears of their growing faith in Jesus, he prays some specific things for the Ephesian believers. This is part 1 of 2 from the same text.
04: Blessings In Christ
Merlin Miller continues the series “Walk as Children of Light”. This fourth message is entitled Blessings in Christ, continuing to exalt Christ by describing the incredible blessings offered to us in Him.
03: Blessings in Christ
Merlin Miller continues the series “Walk as Children of Light”. This third message is entitled Blessings in Christ where Paul begins the heart of his letter. The exaltation of Christ begins by describing in grand strokes the blessings we have received in Christ. He is already pointing to the latter half of the letter with the exhortation for us to bless God in response to these blessings.
02: Grace and Peace
Merlin Miller continues the series “Walk as Children of Light”. This second message is entitled Grace and Peace and continues to introduce the study of Ephesians. Broad themes of the letter are discussed, supporting Paul’s opening words of asking for God’s grace and peace to be upon His people.
01: To The Saints At Ephesus
Merlin Miller begins a new series called “Walk as Children of Light”, which is a study of Ephesians. This first message is entitled To the saints in Ephesus and deals with the background of Paul’s letter to the believers in Ephesus.