11: Ready: Built Up

Merlin Miller continues the study of 1 Thessalonians with this 11th message titled Ready: Built Up taken from 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11. Paul wraps up his focus on the return of Christ, tying together the 2 previous themes of understanding the hope we have in Christ Jesus and our position as we awaits his return. His desire is to see the church encouraged and built up, doing the Master’s will with an eye to the sky for His return.

7: Sanctified

Merlin Miller continues the study of 1 Thessalonians with this 7th message titled Sanctified taken from 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8. If the theme from the prior text was Paul’s desire to see the believers in Thessalonica established in their faith, the theme in this text is his desire to see them sanctified. Paul exhorted them to live holy lives, especially in regards to sexual relations.

6: Established

Merlin Miller returns to the study of 1 Thessalonians with this 6th message titled Established taken from 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13. Paul returns to the reason for his writing - to make sure of & acknowledge that these new Thessalonians believers were established in the faith. This text also serves as a transition from the opening remarks to the rest of the letter.