
The week is moving along for Jesus, and to the disciples’ surprise He is not growing in power and influence, but seems to be heading in the opposite direction. After a wonderful meal, although even during the meal Jesus said a few troubling things, He leads them to a quiet olive grove called Gethsemane. Today’s text is taken from Mark 14:32-42, please read these verses before watching the video.


In many ways the crux of Jesus’ teaching on how to be faithful to God comes in this one scene. When faced with task of momentous difficulty, Jesus demonstrates both how to be honest with the Father and how to yield to Him. The contrast between His behavior and the disciples’ could not be greater, and we are reminded of the massive gulf that remains between our attitude & Jesus our Savior’s. As you contemplate the text, allow these questions to penetrate deep into your heart & mind, to the place of honesty and vulnerability.

  • Think carefully of each part of Jesus’ prayer, laying it alongside prayers that you may offer:

    • “Abba, Father” - addressing God from a place of familiarity, from the position of a son (or daughter).

    • “all things are possible for you” - a clear statement of faith, a belief about who God is and what He can do

    • “Remove this cup from me” - a direct request, an honesty with God that doesn’t pull punches on what is desired

    • “Yet not what I will, but what you will” - another clear statement of faith, this time the recognition that what God wants trumps what we want, a surrender

  • Is there anything in your life that you need to yield to the will of God?

  • According to Jesus’ words in the text, why should we “watch and pray”? Can you recall a time in your life when you were not vigilant and not praying? What happened?

  • The disciples struggled with staying awake and praying - what do you find difficult about watching and praying? What things can help you stay focused?

  • What or who in your life or your surroundings needs your prayer and attention right now?

Spend time right now in prayer - respond to the text and to Jesus, who willingly laid down His will in something that directly affects you. But also talk to God about things that you wish would be removed from your life, then by His grace surrender to His will. Take heart, the path to victory lays in surrender!