Shawn Otto continues our revival series. This forth message comes from Mark 14:66-72.
Revival Meetings 3: Gods Grace Requires Our Obedience
Shawn Otto continues our revival series. This third message comes from Mark 12:13-17.
Revival Meetings 2: God's Grace Demands a Response
Shawn Otto continues a Revival Series, again speaking about God’s grace.
Revival Meetings 1: God’s Grace is Scandalous
We begin a special series of revival meetings with Shawn Otto focused on God’s grace, taken from the Gospel of Mark. This first session is titled God’s Grace is Scandalous.
18: The Response To The Word
Merlin Miller continues the study of Nehemiah with this 18th message taken from Nehemiah 8:1-12. In the prior message over the same text the focus was the reading of the Word, this time the focus is on the response of those who were listening to the Word.
17: The Reading of the Word
Merlin Miller returns to the study of Nehemiah with this 17th message taken from Nehemiah 8:1-12. God has gathered the entire group of exiles together, and His purpose is to expose them to the Book of the Law. The thrust of the text is the rebuilding work that the Word of God does to the people of God.
Remember Jesus Christ
Merlin Miller preaches a special baptism message from 2 Timothy 2:8-13. Paul gives Timothy a trustworthy saying, and we can likewise trust in these words as a guide for our Christian life.
The Overcomer
Greg Widrick preaches a guest message called the overcomer, taken from 1 John 5:1-5.
16: Preparation For The Real Rebuilding
Merlin Miller continues the study of Nehemiah, with the 16th message taken from Nehemiah 7:5-73. What appears to be a difficult list of names that are hard to work through nevertheless reveals a few nuggets for us. And ultimately we will see this as a transition to the real rebuilding that God is interested in.
15: The Wall is Finished
Merlin Miller continues the study of Nehemiah, with the 15th message taken from Nehemiah 6:15-7:4. In this text we see that the wall is finished, which strikes fear in the neighboring groups. But Nehemiah does not let down his guard, and again there is great application and instruction for us.
14: The Battle To Build 4
Merlin Miller continues the study of Nehemiah, with this 14th message taken from Nehemiah 6:1-14. Nehemiah returns his attention to the building of the wall, and the renewed efforts at stopping the rebuilding now that the wall is almost complete. Once again we see opposition from the “outside” and the “inside”, and once again we see how a godly leader responds.
13: Nehemiah’s Reforms 2
Merlin Miller returns to the study of Nehemiah, continuing to take a look at the reforms Nehemiah instituted in Nehemiah 5:14-19. It is for these internal reforms that he asks God to remember him for, not the external rebuilding he is doing.
Mission Sunday - Destiny Rescue
Special guest speaker Chris Russell shares with us on our Missions Sunday Morning about Destiny Rescue. They are an organization that helps to rescue and protect kids from trafficking in many countries across the globe. Note: Some of what is talked about may be somewhat of a sensitive topic for younger ears.
12: Nehemiah's Reforms
Merlin Miller returns to the study of Nehemiah, with this 12th message taken from Nehemiah 5:1-13. As the visible wall is being rebuilt, other less visible issues rise to the surface - how will Nehemiah deal with these internal identity issues?
Jehovah The Shepherd
Merlin Bontrager shares a Sunday Evening message to start 2021.
A Call To Humility
Glen Gingerich fills in for Merlin encouraging us to be humble and rid ourselves of pride.
Back To The Basics
Merlin Miller closes out the year by highlighting again the focus for 2020: back to the basics.
Behold The Lamb Of God
Merlin Miller focuses on the coming of Jesus Christ during the Christmas season, using the words of John the Baptist who was the Messiah’s forerunner. Part 2 of 2 highlights John’s announcement that the Messiah has come.
The Voice of One Crying Out
Merlin Miller focuses on the coming of Jesus Christ during the Christmas season, using the words of John the Baptist who was the Messiah’s forerunner. Part 1 of 2 highlights John’s call to prepare the way of the Lord.
Lord Save Me
Merlin Miller concludes this “mini-series” from Matthew 14.