Merlin Miller returns to the Walk as Children of Light series, a study of Ephesians. This 20th message is taken from Ephesians 5:1-6. Paul continues his application of the theology shared in the opening chapters, reminding believers that we are to be imitators of God.
Moms As Disciple Makers
Merlin Miller preaches a special sermon on Moms as disciple makers. To celebrate Mother's Day we want to take a look at the special role mothers play in making disciples, especially of their own children.
What Is Truth?
Mitch Miller fills in with a guest sermon.
19: Walk as Children of Light
Merlin Miller continues the Walk as Children of Light series, with this 19th message taken from Ephesians 4:25-32. Now Paul is mentioning some very specific things that demonstrate that we are walking in the light, pertaining especially to our interactions with those around us.
18: Walk as Children of Light
Merlin Miller continues the Walk as Children of Light series, with this 18th message taken from Ephesians 4:17-24. This is part 2 of 2 from the same text, laying out the groundwork for some very practical teaching on what walking as children of light really means.
Pastor Gary Sheets Testimony
Pastor Gary Sheets of Middlebury Community Church shares an amazing testimony of how the Lord very literally saved his life and is still working miracles today.
17: Walk as Children of Light
Merlin Miller returns to the Walk as Children of Light series, with this 17th message taken from Ephesians 4:17-24. This is part 1 of 2 from the same text, laying out the groundwork for some very practical teaching on what walking as children of light really means.
Praise Before Thanksgiving
Joe Byler preaches a message from 2 Chronicles 20:1-30 talking about how King Jehoshaphat dealt with a problem that looked overwhelming.
16: Grace to Grow
Merlin Miller continues the Walk as Children of Light series with the 16th message, taken from Ephesians 4:7-16, entitled "Grace to Grow". This is the second message taken from the same text, finishing out the discussion on how each of us have roles to play within the body of Christ.
15: Grace To Grow
Merlin Miller returns to the Walk as Children of Light series with the 15th message, taken from Ephesians 4:7-16, entitled "Grace to Grow". On the heels of stressing unity within the body, Paul reveals one reason why that is difficult: we have different gifts and motivations. But Paul maintains that this diversity is actually the grace from Jesus that we all need to grow in our walk with Him.
Who am I?
Joe Byler preaches a message from Exodus 3 & 4 filling in for Merlin Miller.
02: Unity and Making Disciples
Merlin Miller brings the "Walk as Children of Light" series and our annual theme of "Make Disciples" together with a sermon that focuses on unity.
14: Walk Worthy
Merlin Miller continues the Walk as Children of Light series, a study of Ephesians. This 14th message is taken from Ephesians 4:1-6 and is entitled “Walk Worthy”. Paul now turns his attention to the practical applications of all the great theological truths he has been sharing. The general exhortation is to walk worthy of the calling to which we have been called, but the first specific way he brings to us is in the area of unity.
13: Rooted and Grounded in Love
Merlin Miller continues the Walk as Children of Light series, a study of Ephesians. This 13th message is taken from Ephesians 3:14-21 and is entitled “Rooted & Grounded in Love”. Paul returns to what he was saying before he "interrupted" himself with a powerful prayer on behalf of the Ephesians. This text also serves as a transition point from the more theological part of his letter to the more applicable part.
12: The Unsearchable Riches of Christ
Merlin Miller continues the Walk as Children of Light series, a study of Ephesians. This 12th message is taken from Ephesians 3:7-13 and is entitled “The Unsearchable Riches of Christ”. Paul finishes his interruption of himself with not only how he fits into the picture but also encouraging the Ephesian believers not to lose heart due to his sufferings.
11: The Mystery of Christ
Merlin Miller returns to the Walk as Children of Light series, a study of Ephesians. This 11th message is taken from Ephesians 3:1-6 and is entitled “The Mystery of Christ”. Paul interrupts himself to restate the points he has been making and how he himself fits into the whole story.
Destiny Rescue
Chris Russell from Destiny Rescue is our guest speaker on a missions Sunday morning.
01: Make Disciples
Merlin Miller introduces the theme we will focus on in 2022: Make Disciples. The text for this theme comes from Jesus’ great commission to all believers found in Matthew 28:16-20. This theme will be explored in various ways throughout 2022.
Christ Has Come! (5)
Merlin Miller preaches a short Christmas series entitled “Christ has come!” The text for all the messages will come from Luke 1:68-79. This fifth & final part focuses on the fact that we serve Him.
Christ Has Come! (4)
Kris Reckers fills in for Merlin Miller.