Merlin Miller continues the study of the book of Acts, with the 64th message taken from Acts 24:22-27. Felix has heard both sides of the case, yet delays making any judgment despite demonstrating his awareness of Paul’s innocence. Does Paul complain, or take advantage of the opportunity? Will Felix take advantage of the opportunity he receives?
63: The Church Expands
Merlin Miller returns to the study of the book of Acts, with the 63rd message taken from Acts 24:1-21. Paul is now in the hands of Felix in Caesarea, and it is not long until his accusers come to make their case. Have the methods of those who oppose Jesus changed?
Defining Success
Kris Reckers fills in for Merlin Miller.
What Am I Aiming For?
Kervin Hershberger shares a Sunday Evening message on where we should be aiming our goals.
04: Available
Merlin Miller follows up last week’s message on being Available with more teaching on what it means, in practical terms, to give your life for God’s purposes.
Uganda Report
Joe Byler gives a report of his time in Uganda.
03: Available
Merlin Miller checks in with the theme of the year: Available. This is a reminder and an encouragement to be available to God for His plans and purposes, even if we’re not sure where we’ll end up.
Merlin Miller preaches a special Easter sermon celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and what that means for us today!
Betrayed (Good Friday)
Merlin Miller gives a Good Friday sermon before Communion.
Letting Go of the Hurt
Glen Gingerich fills in for Merlin Miller with a message focusing on forgiveness.
62: The Church Expands
Merlin Miller continues the study of the Book of Acts with the 62nd message taken from Acts 23:16-35. Though the opposition against Paul is fierce and determined, God uses Paul’s family and Roman soldiers to protect him, and move him closer to his final destination: Rome.
61: The Church Expands
Merlin Miller continues the study of the Book of Acts with the 61st message taken from Acts 23:6-15. The tribune, still uncertain as to the charge against Paul, gets no closer to what he wants to know as the council is thrown into an uproar by another statement made by Paul. As men make their plans and rage against Paul, what is God’s response?
60: The Church Expands
Merlin Miller continues the study of the Book of Acts with the 60th message taken from Acts 22:22-23:5. As Paul tells his story the crowd has been silent, up until he comes to a certain point. Suddenly the crowd erupts again, and the Roman tribune is left to use every means possible to determine just what Paul is guilty of!
59: The Church Expands
Merlin Miller continues the study of the Book of Acts with the 59th message taken from Acts 21:40-22:21. The Roman guard rescues Paul from a crowd intent on killing him, but instead of hiding Paul stops the tribune and asks to speak to the crowd. What could he possibly want to tell them? The answer is: his story!
Cosmological Argument
Darrin Miller speaks again on Apologetics and what truths we can hold on to as believers at the Sunday Evening service.
58: The Church Expands
Merlin Miller returns to the study of the Book of Acts with the 58th message taken from Acts 21:27-39. This begins the final section of the book, where the sovereignty of God is once again on display as He expands the reach of the church through ways that most of us would consider just the opposite, including the arrest of Paul.
Available (But what to do when if feels like you're on hold)
Guest speaker Mel Shetler speaks on the 2019 theme of being available, but from a different perspective.
Three Lessons From India
Merlin Miller talks a little about the trip to India and three takeaways we can apply to our own lives.
God Has Power To Change Lives
Glen Gingerich speaking on the power The Word has in our lives.
57: The Church Strengthened
Merlin Miller preaches the 57th message from Acts, from Acts 21:17-26. Paul arrives at his destination and there is both rejoicing over what God has been doing and a recognition that his presence in Jerusalem will create a problem. Can the inevitable clash be avoided?